
The Cultural Exploration(CE)of Greater China Foundation is a community-based non-profit organization dedicated to promote a better understanding of greater China and Chinese culture through education by offering cultural learning opportunities to schools or other educational institutions. In the past ten years, through generous donations from local communities and businesses, CE has sponsored over 40 teachers to tour China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. This year, through successful fund-raising, we are pleased to offer this great travel opportunity again to teachers that are enthusiastic about bringing China and Chinese culture to their classrooms.

Unlike other cultural exchange programs sponsored by various governments or academic organizations, CE is a community-based program. We believe that the most effective way to know modern day China, Chinese Culture and people is through pressure-free interpersonal interactions.

Today, Chinese people live in different parts of the world and Chinese culture is manifested in a variety of ways. The objective of this program is to assist American teachers to:
  • Introduce greater China to their students with accurate information, confidence and authority.
  • Develop teaching plans to enhance curriculum related to China, Pacific Rim and Asia.
  • Inspire students to learn about China and Chinese culture.
  • Have a better understanding of Americans with Chinese heritage.
Continuing Education Credits
Several teachers in the past have successfully applied and earned up to 70 clock hours or 7 continuing education credits for the CE Tour through Seattle University. Interested teachers will be responsible for completing the necessary application form and coordinating with CE.
Application Process
Starting from 2014, teachers who are interested in our program can fill out application online. Qualified applicants will be notified by email for interview. Normally the application time frame is around Feburary each year and interview is conducted the following March with tour award decision made by April.